Thunder Moon Cacao Ceremony with Mel

Thunder Moon Cacao Ceremony with Mel

  • Lasts 90 minutes

July 3rd’s Full Moon is known as Buck Moon which refers to the new antlers that are growing rapidly on male deer around this time. Not only are buck antlers growing and thriving right now, but so are we! The mighty buck energy brings spiritual themes of strength and ambition into this season of abundance. It is also known as Thunder Moon among other names. In Greek mythology, Zeus created the world with thunderbolts. Thunder and lightning symbolise great creative power and the art of creation. As we enter into the power of the Full Thunder Moon, we are asked to step into our creative powers. What can you create in your life that will electrify and literally light up your life and the world?
July can feel like the peak of the year, the moment when things come most fully into their culmination. Just a few weeks after the summer solstice, it’s a time to consider what we have been growing and cultivating internally over the course of the year.
This can be a moment of ripeness, rest, enjoyment, and celebration.
Remember, however, that this is also the Thunder Moon. The heat energy can get to be a little too much, and we can get overwhelmed with the energy of the season. It can be helpful to set aside some time to do things that help us into alignment such as coming together in celebration of this sacred time. Join Birch Resident Sound Healer & Yogi Mela Fismer for an uplifting evening of ceremonial cacao, shakti dance & sound medicine.
Enjoy a cup of Sacred Cacao, a heartwarming and soul nourishing sacred plant medicine from the indigenous peoples of Peru. Sacred Cacao, aka pure raw chocolate, is a natural plant medicine that heightens your perception, opening your heart, energy channels, and intuitive faculties. It has been used for thousands of years to connect with the divine frequency of love within one’s own heart and all of the universe. It expands and raises your consciousness by allowing you to see and feel more connection, inspiration, love, and clarity in your life. Come experience peace and sanctuary when you enter this sacred container, and allow your mind to rest into the stillness of your heart. Receive the guidance and clarity you need to move forward into the next lunar cycle with ease and grace.

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